Live courses

Learn from our experts. 20+ years of experience. At your service.

PLA 3.0 Basics Webinar

Free course
The ideal starting point for
PLA 3.0 novices.

PLA 3.0 Advanced Analysis Workshop

Statistical procedures. Focussed and discussed.


PLA 3.0 Basics Webinar


The ideal starting point for PLA 3.0 novices.

Get a brief yet comprehensive introduction to PLA 3.0 – free of charge! This webinar introduces the key features of the PLA 3.0 platform and its add-ons. Learn about the basics of electronic documents and how to set up quantitative response assays. In addition, we provide an overview of further analysis capabilities, such as dose-response analysis, microbial assays for antibiotics, and aggregating experiments.
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PLA 3.0 Advanced Analysis Workshop

Statistical procedures. Focussed and discussed.

This course is specifically designed for scientists seeking to enhance their understanding of advanced statistical techniques for quantitative response assays and related methods within PLA 3.0. Delve into the intricacies of calculating reportable values and developing equivalence margins using PLA 3.0. Engage in discussions with your instructor about the advantages and limitations of various approaches.

PLA 3.0 Basics Webinar – Next dates

PLA 3.0 Advanced Analysis Workshop – Next dates

PLA 3.0 Advanced Analysis Workshop – Next dates