Our experts

20+ years of experience. Here to support you.
Scientific consultant
Matthias Schmitt has been working with PLA for the past 24 years. He holds a PhD in Chemistry and plays a crucial role in the customer support team, where he serves as the primary point of contact for addressing customer inquiries and issues. Matthias is also an experienced PLA 3.0 trainer.
DR. andre Rölke-Wellmann
Scientific consultant
Andre Rölke-Wellmann is specialized in designing PLA 3.0 videos and providing online trainings. He holds a diploma in Bioinformatics and a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience and is a valued member of the customer support team at Stegmann Systems.
DR. Ralf Stegmann
Ralf Stegmann is the founder and CEO at Stegmann Systems. He holds a PhD in Computational Chemistry and entered the field of biological assays in 1997. Additionally, he is recognized as a member of the USP Bioassay expert panel.
DR. andreAS Fromkorth
Andreas Fromkorth is responsible for the add-on development, for example the Biological Assay Package, and founded the Biostatistics team at Stegmann Systems. He holds a PhD in Mathematics with a focus on Non-parametric Statistics. Andreas engages with customers mainly in the context of customer-specific add-on developments and high-level support.
DR. Florian Müller-Sallanz
Florian Müller-Sallanz has been working at Stegmann Systems as statistician and project manager for over five years and is responsible for adding analytical features and developing new add-ons. He holds a PhD in Mathematics with a focus on Non-parametric Statistics. In high level support he provides additional details regarding statistical topics.