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Expertise pathway

Your path from novice to PLA 3.0 expert
Whether you are a scientist responsible for setting up analytical methods for the various assay types in PLA 3.0, an operator who wants to get a deep dive into the capabilities of PLA 3.0, or an administrator responsible for setting up and running PLA 3.0 in a complex environment for your company, our Expertise pathway courses are crafted to provide your ideal learning path.
  • Analysis

Biological potency assays
Dose-response analysis*
Control charting*
Endotoxin analysis*

* in preparation
  • Operation
User interface
Work environment
Data input
Data import
Method operation
  • Development
Method development
Assay layout preparation
Import procedure configuration
Advanced data input
  • Administration
Database management
Rights and permissions
Regulatory compliance

Choose your path

Write your awesome label here.

PLA 3.0
Basics Webinar

The ideal starting point
for PLA 3.0 novices.
Write your awesome label here.

PLA 3.0
Analysis and Development

Deep dive into data analysis and method development in PLA 3.0.
Write your awesome label here.

PLA 3.0

Mastering data analysis essentials and method operation in PLA 3.0.
Write your awesome label here.

PLA 3.0
Advanced Analysis Workshop

Assay development.
Focussed and discussed.
  • Your level prior to beginning the course.
  • Your proficiency after course completion.