Free of charge

Starter kits

Essential learning content. Curated for your role.
Meet the team at Stegmann Labs, our sample laboratory where PLA 3.0 supports every step of bioassay management. Our team of experts tackles challenges like integrating new assay types, troubleshooting out-of-specification results, and ensuring compliance with global standards. 
Based on their experience, we've curated Starter kits—essential learning content tailored to different roles working with PLA 3.0. Explore these kits to find the right resources for your needs.
Starter kits are part of our 'Learning through the seasons' campaign.
Stay tuned!
The first kit launches in June.


Senior Laboratory Technician
Log in to access the starter kit.


Laboratory Technician
Log in to access the starter kit.


Quality Assurance (QA) Specialist
Log in to access the starter kit.